
Google Chrome is getting an RSS feed reader on desktop

2022年8月22日 — Google Chrome is adding support for a built-in RSS feed reader on desktop and ChromeOS. Here's how to enable it.

Google Reader is still defunct, but now you can 'follow' ...

2021年10月8日 — Google's follow button for adding RSS feeds to your Chrome app is no longer an experimental feature. The follow button achieves some of the ...

Here's how you can enable RSS reader in Google Chrome

2022年8月23日 — Here's how you can enable RSS reader in Google Chrome. Google is testing the Follow site feature, which is a basic RSS reader, in Chrome on ...

RSS feed readers for Chrome

The extension RSS Feed Reader by Feeder is an example of an RSS widget for Chrome. Obviously we're a bit biased in writing about this, as we built it. One of ...

How to use Google Chrome as an RSS reader and get ...

2023年7月5日 — How to use Google Chrome as an RSS reader and get the latest updates on your favorite websites · 1. Visit the website URL you want to follow in ...

RSS Subscription Extension (by Google)

2023年6月17日 — This extension auto-detects RSS feeds on the page you are reading and upon finding one will display an RSS icon in the Omnibox, allowing you ...

RSS Feed Reader extension

2022年3月27日 — - Instantaneously see when new posts are added to one of your RSS and Atom feeds - Easily subscribe to new RSS/Atom feeds by clicking the ...

How to turn on Chrome's Web Feed RSS reader for Android

2021年10月8日 — Enter chrome://flags/#web-feed into the address bar and select “Enabled” from the dropdown menu. Relaunch the browser as instructed. After ...

Make the most out of Chrome's new RSS feed support

2021年11月2日 — RSS is a notification feature that generates an update on a site's RSS feed every time there's a new publication. Many websites offer multiple ...


2022年8月22日—GoogleChromeisaddingsupportforabuilt-inRSSfeedreaderondesktopandChromeOS.Here'showtoenableit.,2021年10月8日—Google'sfollowbuttonforaddingRSSfeedstoyourChromeappisnolongeranexperimentalfeature.Thefollowbuttonachievessomeofthe ...,2022年8月23日—Here'showyoucanenableRSSreaderinGoogleChrome.GoogleistestingtheFollowsitefeature,whichisabasicRSSreader,inChromeon ...,TheextensionRSSFeedR...

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